The Importance of Drilling

What is a drill?

A drill is a known movement, or a set of movements, repeatedly practiced to build competence and efficiency for application of technique in combat (real or simulated).


What are the Benefits?

  • Maximum practice in a short amount of time.

  • Encourages practice on both sides.

  • An effective, sport-specific workout that develops sport functional strength and endurance.

  • The drills included in this curriculum are gross motor movements that can be used as functional warmups for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

  • Allows high effort repetition with reduced impact on the body (compared to sparring).

Why Should I Drill?

When learning a physical movement, it is important for a student to practice the movement.  It is also important to recognize that some movements are used with a higher frequency while applying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Becoming highly proficient in these sport-specific transitions can lead to increased application of techniques in live training.

If we agree that practicing a movement is crucial in gaining proficiency, then we must also recognize that training time is a valuable resource.  Drilling allows for maximum practice by eliminating the frivolous transitions and resets.


How often should I drill?

Drilling should be a fundamental part of your training methodology.  I believe there are three facets to a healthy program. 

  1. Learning - Duplication

  2. Drilling -  Replication

  3. Resistance Training- Application

While it is not required for a lesson to contain all three facets, an effective curriculum will make use of all three regularly.


What should I drill?

I have included 22 drills in the Kids Professor Curriculum.  These can serve as a great starting point for a youth program. However, this is not a comprehensive list of all drills in Brazilian Jiu JItsu.  If you see a movement that you believe has value, I encourage you to isolate the important movement and create a repetitive drill.  Simply put, a drill is repetitive practice of a known movement to increase proficiency.