Starting Advice

The hardest thing about being a teacher is watching your students fail despite knowing it is part of the learning process.


Teaching is a learned skill just like armbars.  If you are an aspiring teacher, whether through choice or happenstance, please realize that failure is part of the process; for both the teacher and the student.  Seek to improve yourself, your character, your leadership and your pedagogical process.  Prepare for your lessons, give your best, and most importantly, reflect on the process. The Kids Professor is simply a resource for teachers to help in this endeavour.  There are lesson plans, modified gameplay for BJJ, videos and supporting documents to assist in this process.

These resources work collectively but do not depend on each other.  Feel free to interact with the material and experiment in your role as an educator.  While I have laid out an order to the lessons this is only a suggestion. The lessons should fit the needs of the students, not the other way around. 

The last piece of advice that I will leave you with is this:

Golden Rule:  Never talk more than the student moves.