Complexity Rating ★

Cardiovascular Rating ★★


Develop speed and accuracy in a fundamental guard passing technique while reinforcing a wide range of motion of the hips.


Training Partner Starting Position. A good training partner will start on their back with their legs bent and their feet flat on the floor.  When placing the feet on the floor, the assisting student should have the feet slightly more than the width of their hips, but not so far apart that they are uncomfortable. The hands should be placed palm down, over the groin area to provide protection of the genitals. 

Practicing Student.  The practicing student will start standing in front of the assisting student. 

To initiate the drill the practicing student will take a step in between the assisting student’s legs making sure to step close to the tailbone of the assisting student but avoiding the groin.  As the student is stepping in they will place the same side hand on the belt knot and their other hand on the knee.  The step should be deep enough that it is effectively a level change.  

Next the practicing student will step their other foot up, in line with their initial foot that is close to the tailbone.  This will be a square stance with the assisting student’s knee under the pelvis of the practicing student.  Once the feet are set, the practicing student will thrust their hips forward, exaggerating the movement until their knees hit the floor.  It is important to understand that the knee hits the floor as a by-product of the thrusting of the hips and not because the practicing student is driving their knee into the floor. 

As soon as the knee hits the floor the practicing student should slide their ankle over the thigh by pivoting on their inside knee. After clearing the legs the practicing student should progress to a good side control position. 

Immediately after touching chest to chest, the practicing student should pop up to their feet by pushing off their hands and legs and return to the starting position to perform the movement on the other side.

Common Mistakes 

  • The shoulders and hips are connected.  Very commonly the practicing student will throw their hips forward but leave their shoulders in place.  For increased range of motion of the hips have the practicing student throw their shoulders back as they throw their hips forward.

  • Commonly student’s will get the 3 Step Guard Pass confused with the Knee Cut.  The Knee Cut goes through the legs, the 3 Step Guard Pass goes around the legs.

  • It is extremely difficult to thrust the hips forward when the hips are staggered.  Make sure the second foot steps up into the square position before thrusting the hips. 

Testing Threshold 

Time 30 seconds

Requirement 18 repetitions